Welcome to the official
website of Albanian
Ophthalmological Society (AOS)

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Albanian Ophthalmological Society

Albanian Ophthalmological Society,(AOS) was founded and approved on 9 April 1992, based on lawful acts of on existing time: for social societies that not attend economic purpose. Actually there are approximately 101 persons.

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Dear colleagues and friends !

New calendar year has begun and we have once again important objectives ahead of us. We have left behind an important year of our work.

Through the years, as well as during last year, numerous national and international activities have been organized, in our country and in our region, where the active participation of many members of our society was easily noticeable. We continue to have important objectives and tasks to achieve.

The actual developments in Ophthalmology around the developed world encouraged us, Albanian Ophthalmologist, to continuously improve our technical and professional level of scientific work in patient diagnosis and treatment.

Great responsibility and new challenges stand in front of us in the ongoing of this decade, the optimal achievement of which depends on the organization and commitment of the entire community of ophthalmologists in our country.

It is a necessity of today to follow the quick developments in ophthalmology, step by step, and make all efforts to apply them in Albania in accordance with our possibilities.

We must reflect on our everyday work and take concrete steps to motivate and promote achievements and developments in the interests of our ophthalmologists and as well as our patient’s needs.

The creation of our official website, since 2010, has definitely contributed to strengthen the cooperation and interaction among us, and at the same time to open new horizons, aiming at creating the necessary contacts with other homologous societies in the region and worldwide.

I wish you a successful year and new achievements in improving your work quality and ophthalmology services to the patients.

Albanian Ophthalmological Society(AOS) Chairman Dr.Ndue Bardhi

Ndue Bardhi